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1 Fresh seed of Butia lepidotispatha - Dwarf Jelly Palm - Rare Palm Fruit1 Fresh seed of Butia lepidotispatha - Dwarf Jelly Palm - Rare Palm Fruit
EUR 7.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1147, 100.0%)
5 Fresh seeds of Melicoccus bijugatus - Mamoncillo - Top Tropical Fruit5 Fresh seeds of Melicoccus bijugatus - Mamoncillo - Top Tropical Fruit
EUR 6.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1149, 100.0%)
2 Fresh seeds of Syagrus campylospatha - Rare Palm Fruit2 Fresh seeds of Syagrus campylospatha - Rare Palm Fruit
EUR 12.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1147, 100.0%)
1 SPROUTED seed of Socratea exorrhiza - Walking Palm - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit1 SPROUTED seed of Socratea exorrhiza - Walking Palm - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 8.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1148, 100.0%)
2 Fresh seeds of Syagrus comosa - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit2 Fresh seeds of Syagrus comosa - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 8.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1149, 100.0%)
10 Fresh seeds of Allagoptera arenaria - Seashore Palm - Rare Palm Fruit10 Fresh seeds of Allagoptera arenaria - Seashore Palm - Rare Palm Fruit
EUR 8.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1147, 100.0%)
2 Fresh seeds of Attalea maripa - Tropical Palm Fruit2 Fresh seeds of Attalea maripa - Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 5.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
4 Fresh seeds of Butia paraguayensis - Dwarf Yatay - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit4 Fresh seeds of Butia paraguayensis - Dwarf Yatay - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 10.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
5 Fresh seeds of Annona sericea - Rare Tropical Fruit5 Fresh seeds of Annona sericea - Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 10.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
1 SPROUTED seed of Mauritiella armata - Rare Tropical Ornamental Palm1 SPROUTED seed of Mauritiella armata - Rare Tropical Ornamental Palm
EUR 6.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1149, 100.0%)
3 Fresh seeds of Bactris gasipaes Var. spineless - Rare Tropical Fruit Palm3 Fresh seeds of Bactris gasipaes Var. spineless - Rare Tropical Fruit Palm
EUR 9.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
2 Fresh seeds of Fusaea longifolia - Kukumwy - Rare Tropical Fruit2 Fresh seeds of Fusaea longifolia - Kukumwy - Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 14.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
5 Fresh seeds of Annona paludosa 5 Fresh seeds of Annona paludosa "Uyapkun" Kasim - Ultra Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 15.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1147, 100.0%)
5 Fresh seeds of Elaeis oleifera - American Oil Palm - Tropical Palm Fruit5 Fresh seeds of Elaeis oleifera - American Oil Palm - Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 5.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1148, 100.0%)
1 SPROUTED seed of Bactris gasipaes - Orange Peach Palm - Rare Tropical Fruit1 SPROUTED seed of Bactris gasipaes - Orange Peach Palm - Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 10.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
2 Fresh seeds of Acrocomia aculeata - Coyoli Palm - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit2 Fresh seeds of Acrocomia aculeata - Coyoli Palm - Rare Tropical Palm Fruit
EUR 5.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1147, 100.0%)
20 Fresh seeds of Couroupita Guianensis - Cannonball tree - Tropical fruit 20 Fresh seeds of Couroupita Guianensis - Cannonball tree - Tropical fruit
EUR 12.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
1 SPROUTED SEED of Euterpe oleracea - Açaï - Rare Tropical Fruit1 SPROUTED SEED of Euterpe oleracea - Açaï - Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 4.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
5 Fresh seeds of Annona exsucca - Rare Tropical Fruit5 Fresh seeds of Annona exsucca - Rare Tropical Fruit
EUR 7.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)
3 Fresh seeds of Astrocaryum standleyanum - Rare Tropical Palm3 Fresh seeds of Astrocaryum standleyanum - Rare Tropical Palm
EUR 6.0
Category : Graines et bulbes
Seller : colombo40358(1146, 100.0%)