| Prioninae Ancistrotus uncinatus Female A1 55mm (BRAZIL) ONLY ONE EUR 180.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2520, 100.0%) | | Prioninae Ancistrotus uncinatus Male A1 45mm (BRAZIL) ONLY ONE EUR 180.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2520, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Prionocalus cacicus 3 Male A1 67, 64 and 60mm (PERU) EUR 20.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) | | Prioninae Omotagus lacordairei Female A1 63mm (WEST PAPUA) EUR 55.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) |
| Curculionidae 4 Eupholus bruyni A1 (WEST PAPUA) EUR 16.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) | | Dynastinae Golofa gaujoni 4 Male A1 XL (PERU) EUR 30.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Cerambycidae 2 Coptopterus sp? (WEST PAPUA) EUR 12.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2520, 100.0%) | | Cetoniinae Theodosia nobuyukii 4 Male A1 (Borneo, INDONESIA) EUR 20.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Mesoprionus lefebvrei Pair A1 Male 40mm (ISRAEL) EUR 40.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) | | Cerambycidae Hoplocerambyx sp? 3 Male 1 Female A1 (WEST PAPUA) EUR 12.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) |
| Curculionidae 4 Eupholus prasinus A1 (Jayapura WEST PAPUA) EUR 22.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) | | Cerambycidae Cornuscoparia ochracea A1 (WEST PAPUA) EUR 18.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Scarabaeinae Dichotomius camagoi Pair A1 (PERU) EUR 2.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) | | Dynastinae 2 Scapanes australis Male A1 (WEST PAPUA) EUR 12.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2520, 100.0%) |
| Dynastinae Golofa aegeon 2 Male 1 Female A1 (PERU) EUR 12.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2512, 100.0%) | | Dynastinae Heterogomphus mirabilis Pair A1 Male XL (PERU) EUR 18.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Psalidognathus antonkozlovi 4 Male A1 72, 63, 60 and 54mm (PERU) EUR 38.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) | | Cetoninae Neoscelis dohrni 2 Male A1 (MEXICO) EUR 16.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Dynastinae Golofa claviger 3 Male A1 XL (PERU) EUR 18.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) | | Prioninae Xaurus bennigseni Female A1 79mm (WEST PAPUA) EUR 55.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2518, 100.0%) |