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PCB ONLY 100466824 REV C Seagate 100468979 K SATA I-218PCB ONLY 100466824 REV C Seagate 100468979 K SATA I-218
EUR 9.0
Category : Autres
Seller : eric5132(396, 100.0%)
ST3750630AS, PN: 9BX146-035, FW: DE13, 100468979 J , Seagate Sata 3.5ST3750630AS, PN: 9BX146-035, FW: DE13, 100468979 J , Seagate Sata 3.5" PCB
EUR 29.9
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller : bsc-datarecovery(604, 100.0%)
Seagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-031 300F TK (100468979 J) 100466824 REV C 1.0 To PCBSeagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-031 300F TK (100468979 J) 100466824 REV C 1.0 To PCB
EUR 24.61
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10708, 100.0%)
Électronique PCB Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB 1000gb ST31000340NS 100468979 300FÉlectronique PCB Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB 1000gb ST31000340NS 100468979 300F
EUR 15.45
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate ST3750330NS 9CA156-304 FW:SN06 KRATSG (100468979 L) 750 Go SATA 3,5Seagate ST3750330NS 9CA156-304 FW:SN06 KRATSG (100468979 L) 750 Go SATA 3,5" PCB
EUR 31.91
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10708, 100.0%)
Seagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 Fw: SD1C Kratsg (100468979 G) 640gb SATA 3.5 PCBSeagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 Fw: SD1C Kratsg (100468979 G) 640gb SATA 3.5 PCB
EUR 27.35
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10711, 100.0%)
Seagate 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 IBMSeagate 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 IBM
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 FW:SD1C KRATSG (100468979 L) 640 Go SATA 3,5 PCBSeagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 FW:SD1C KRATSG (100468979 L) 640 Go SATA 3,5 PCB
EUR 20.52
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10711, 100.0%)
Seagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 Fw: SD1C Wuxisg (100468979 J) 640gb SATA 3.5 PCBSeagate ST3640330AS 9BX15L-303 Fw: SD1C Wuxisg (100468979 J) 640gb SATA 3.5 PCB
EUR 20.52
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10711, 100.0%)
Seagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-269 Fw: G003 Kratsg (100468979 L) 1000gb SATA 3.5Seagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-269 Fw: G003 Kratsg (100468979 L) 1000gb SATA 3.5
EUR 28.72
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10708, 100.0%)
ST31000340NS 9CA158-784 HPG8 KRATSG (100468979 K) 10046682 REV C 1.0 To Sata PCBST31000340NS 9CA158-784 HPG8 KRATSG (100468979 K) 10046682 REV C 1.0 To Sata PCB
EUR 20.52
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10711, 100.0%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 HpgaSeagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 Hpga
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
(BC) Seagate IBM 43W7633 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SATA(BC) Seagate IBM 43W7633 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SATA
EUR 12.36
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 750gb ST3750330NS 100468979 FSC6Seagate barracuda ES.2 750gb ST3750330NS 100468979 FSC6
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN16Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN16
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN03Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN03
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN06Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SN06
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SU0FSeagate barracuda ES.2 1TB ST31000340NS 100468979 SU0F
EUR 10.3
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate Barracuda ES.2 750 Go ST3750330NS 100468979 SN06Seagate Barracuda ES.2 750 Go ST3750330NS 100468979 SN06
EUR 15.45
Category : Disques durs internes
Seller :, 97.4%)
Seagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-303 Fw: SN05 Kratsg (100468979 J) 1000gb SATA 3.5Seagate ST31000340NS 9CA158-303 Fw: SN05 Kratsg (100468979 J) 1000gb SATA 3.5
EUR 20.52
Category : Platines d'expérim., tableaux
Seller : effectelec(10711, 100.0%)