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Courge Eponge - Luffa Aegyptiaca - SEM15Courge Eponge - Luffa Aegyptiaca - SEM15
EUR 5.5
Category : Autres
Seller : lalettresshop(1118, 100.0%)
Papyrus Harris I / Hieroglyphische Transkription / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACAPapyrus Harris I / Hieroglyphische Transkription / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA
EUR 73.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24639, 99.7%)
Late - Egyptian stories - Bibliotheca aegyptiaca I | Alan H. Gardiner | Bon étatLate - Egyptian stories - Bibliotheca aegyptiaca I | Alan H. Gardiner | Bon état
EUR 75.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
Papyrus Harris I - Hieroglyphische Transkription / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACAPapyrus Harris I - Hieroglyphische Transkription / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA
EUR 73.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24648, 99.7%)
Late Ramesside letters / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA IX| Cerny Jaroslav| Mauvais étatLate Ramesside letters / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA IX| Cerny Jaroslav| Mauvais état
EUR 80.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
Aegyptiaca, etc.: AND Tetrabiblos (Loeb Classical Library) by Manetho NEUFAegyptiaca, etc.: AND Tetrabiblos (Loeb Classical Library) by Manetho NEUF
EUR 28.78
Category : Fiction
Seller : loveourprices2(107976, 95.9%)
Late Ramesside letters / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA IX | Bon étatLate Ramesside letters / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA IX | Bon état
EUR 102.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24648, 99.7%)
Middle-Egyptian stories - PART 1 / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA II | Etat correctMiddle-Egyptian stories - PART 1 / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA II | Etat correct
EUR 47.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24648, 99.7%)
Late-Egyptian miscellanies / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VII | Mauvais étatLate-Egyptian miscellanies / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VII | Mauvais état
EUR 80.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24639, 99.7%)
Studies on the middle kingdom - Labib Habachi - Studia aegyptiaca X -Studies on the middle kingdom - Labib Habachi - Studia aegyptiaca X -
EUR 227.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24639, 99.7%)
G. Hölbl, Aegyptiaca nella Sicilia greca di VIII-VI sec. a.C., Roma 2021 - NEUFG. Hölbl, Aegyptiaca nella Sicilia greca di VIII-VI sec. a.C., Roma 2021 - NEUF
EUR 109.0
Category : Autres
Seller : rucklow_fr(2078, 97.4%)
Historische inschriften der 19. Dynastie - TEIL 1 - BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACAHistorische inschriften der 19. Dynastie - TEIL 1 - BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA
EUR 69.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
Texts from the time of Akhenaten / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VIII | Bon étatTexts from the time of Akhenaten / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VIII | Bon état
EUR 172.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24642, 99.7%)
Texts from the time of Akhenaten / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VIII | Etat correctTexts from the time of Akhenaten / BIBLIOTHECA AEGYPTIACA VIII | Etat correct
EUR 117.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
The Papyrus Bremner-Rhind|British Museum N°10188 - Bibliotheca AegyptiacaThe Papyrus Bremner-Rhind|British Museum N°10188 - Bibliotheca Aegyptiaca
EUR 91.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
Studia aegyptiaca I. / recueil d'études dédiées à Vilmos Wessetzky àStudia aegyptiaca I. / recueil d'études dédiées à Vilmos Wessetzky à
EUR 69.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24641, 99.7%)
Un livre des morts sur bandelette de momie - bibliotheca aegyptiaca XVIII /Un livre des morts sur bandelette de momie - bibliotheca aegyptiaca XVIII /
EUR 86.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24648, 99.7%)
Crania Aegyptiaca: Or, Observations On Egyptian Ethnography, Derived FromCrania Aegyptiaca: Or, Observations On Egyptian Ethnography, Derived From
EUR 32.6
Category : Non-fiction
Seller : loveourprices2(107405, 95.9%)
Un livre des morts sur bandelette de momie - bibliotheca aegyptiacaUn livre des morts sur bandelette de momie - bibliotheca aegyptiaca
EUR 58.0
Category : Fiction
Seller : crealivres(24639, 99.7%)
Aegyptiaca: A Catalogue of Egyptian Objects in the Aegean Area NEUFAegyptiaca: A Catalogue of Egyptian Objects in the Aegean Area NEUF
EUR 32.24
Category : Non-fiction
Seller : loveourprices2(107976, 95.9%)