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3391 Carthagena / Coppola Homiliae catholicae de sacris arcanis ad SS. Trinitat3391 Carthagena / Coppola Homiliae catholicae de sacris arcanis ad SS. Trinitat
EUR 59.0
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : lescale-aux-livres(413, 100.0%)
1808 - Murcia Madrid Aranjuez Valencia Carthagena Map1808 - Murcia Madrid Aranjuez Valencia Carthagena Map
EUR 24.05
Category : Cartes
Seller : antiquariat-voelkel(64155, 99.8%)
1744 Authentic Papers Relating to the Expedition Against Carthagena First Edi...1744 Authentic Papers Relating to the Expedition Against Carthagena First Edi...
EUR 517.4
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : the-mad-librarian(20292, 99.9%)
R9736 Token Louis XIV Marine Militaire Defeat Carthagena Spain 1697 ->Make OfferR9736 Token Louis XIV Marine Militaire Defeat Carthagena Spain 1697 ->Make Offer
EUR 29.0
Category : Louis XIII à Louis XVI
Seller : winnumis_sa(12583, 99.2%)
D9736 Token Louis XIV Marine Militaire Defeat Carthagena Spain 1697 ->Make OfferD9736 Token Louis XIV Marine Militaire Defeat Carthagena Spain 1697 ->Make Offer
EUR 29.0
Category : Louis XIII à Louis XVI
Seller : winnumis_sa(12597, 99.2%)
A Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes ; In Answer to a LateA Journal of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes ; In Answer to a Late
EUR 17.84
Category : Non-fiction
Seller : loveourprices2(105300, 96.2%)
Carte/Plan De Bataille Carthagena Capt Durell Cuirassés Fort Boca ChicaCarte/Plan De Bataille Carthagena Capt Durell Cuirassés Fort Boca Chica
EUR 45.79
Category : Cartes
Seller : printsandmaps(17428, 100.0%)
An Authentick and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French, An Authentick and Particular Account of the Taking of Carthagena by the French,
EUR 14.45
Category : Autres
Seller : buchpark(66516, 98.1%)