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KRAUS, HENRY (1905-) The living theatre of medieval art / by Henry Kraus ; forewKRAUS, HENRY (1905-) The living theatre of medieval art / by Henry Kraus ; forew
EUR 41.0
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
MCENTEE-TAYLOR, CAROLE Bellewaarde, June 1915 / by Carole McEntee-Taylor ; forewMCENTEE-TAYLOR, CAROLE Bellewaarde, June 1915 / by Carole McEntee-Taylor ; forew
EUR 27.29
Category : Adultes, université
Seller : mwbooks2(4091, 98.9%)
THE ULTIMATE DOLL BOOK, Goodfellow, Caroline (Curator of Dolls and Toys) , ForewTHE ULTIMATE DOLL BOOK, Goodfellow, Caroline (Curator of Dolls and Toys) , Forew
EUR 14.36
Category : Fiction
Seller : thecotswoldlibrary(740941, 99.5%)
ELKIN, STANLEY (1930-1995) Stanley Elkin's Greatest Hits / Stanley Elkin ; ForewELKIN, STANLEY (1930-1995) Stanley Elkin's Greatest Hits / Stanley Elkin ; Forew
EUR 36.44
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4088, 98.9%)
CITRINE, NORMAN ARTHUR Trade union law / by Norman Arthur Citrine ; with a forewCITRINE, NORMAN ARTHUR Trade union law / by Norman Arthur Citrine ; with a forew
EUR 44.12
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
ANDERE, MARY. Homes and houses of Herefordshire / by Mary Andere ; with an forewANDERE, MARY. Homes and houses of Herefordshire / by Mary Andere ; with an forew
EUR 44.12
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
PASTON-BEDINGFELD, HENRY Heraldry by Henry Bedingfeld, Peter Gwynn-Jones ; forewPASTON-BEDINGFELD, HENRY Heraldry by Henry Bedingfeld, Peter Gwynn-Jones ; forew
EUR 34.91
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4088, 98.9%)
FOREMAN, LAURA Cleopatra's palace: in search of a legend / Laura Foreman; [forewFOREMAN, LAURA Cleopatra's palace: in search of a legend / Laura Foreman; [forew
EUR 28.81
Category : Autres
Seller : mwbooks2(4090, 98.9%)
READ, HERBERT EDWARD, SIR Selected Writings, Poetry and Criticism / with a ForewREAD, HERBERT EDWARD, SIR Selected Writings, Poetry and Criticism / with a Forew
EUR 85.21
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
SOWERBY, GEOFFREY A National Trust old postcard album / Geoffrey Sowerby ; forewSOWERBY, GEOFFREY A National Trust old postcard album / Geoffrey Sowerby ; forew
EUR 28.81
Category : Autres
Seller : mwbooks2(4090, 98.9%)
THOMAS, EDWARD (1878-1917) The heart of England / by Edward Thomas; with a forewTHOMAS, EDWARD (1878-1917) The heart of England / by Edward Thomas; with a forew
EUR 34.91
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4088, 98.9%)
WRIGHT, HARRY CORY Journey through the British Isles / Harry Cory Wright ; forewWRIGHT, HARRY CORY Journey through the British Isles / Harry Cory Wright ; forew
EUR 57.82
Category : Autres
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
BANNERMAN, DAVID ARMITAGE The birds of West and Equatorial Africa / with a forewBANNERMAN, DAVID ARMITAGE The birds of West and Equatorial Africa / with a forew
EUR 57.82
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
WHEATCROFT, MILDRED The Revolution in British Management Education; with a ForewWHEATCROFT, MILDRED The Revolution in British Management Education; with a Forew
EUR 65.43
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
MCKEEVER, C Civil War battle flags of the Union Army and order of battle / forewMCKEEVER, C Civil War battle flags of the Union Army and order of battle / forew
EUR 45.54
Category : Adultes, université
Seller : mwbooks2(4089, 98.9%)
SEAVER, GEORGE John Allen Fitzgerald Gregg, archbishop / by George Seaver; forewSEAVER, GEORGE John Allen Fitzgerald Gregg, archbishop / by George Seaver; forew
EUR 60.86
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
TOLSON, J. E. Paper cutting and modelling for infants and juniors / with a forewTOLSON, J. E. Paper cutting and modelling for infants and juniors / with a forew
EUR 65.43
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
MICHALOPOULOS, ANDR� (1897-1982) Greek fire / Andr� Michalopoulos ; with a forewMICHALOPOULOS, ANDR� (1897-1982) Greek fire / Andr� Michalopoulos ; with a forew
EUR 57.82
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
CROWE, PHILIP KINGSLAND (1908-) Diversions of a Diplomat in Ceylon. with a ForewCROWE, PHILIP KINGSLAND (1908-) Diversions of a Diplomat in Ceylon. with a Forew
EUR 76.08
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)
MILLER, MAX, (1899-1967) Always the Mediterranean / by Max Miller ; with a ForewMILLER, MAX, (1899-1967) Always the Mediterranean / by Max Miller ; with a Forew
EUR 73.03
Category : Livres anciens, de collection
Seller : mwbooks2(4086, 98.9%)