| La Figuration narrative dans l'art contemporain EUR 60.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : librairie-gil(560, 100.0%) |  | C1 Prose Narrative MONTACLAIR Merveilleux Scientifique SF POE Lovecraft Verne EUR 14.0 Category : Fiction Seller : cariou1(27225, 100.0%) |
 | Jean-Pierre Le Boul'ch / Collage / Figuration Narrative / reliure signée Miguet EUR 90.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : bouquins3000(2678, 100.0%) |  | GIBSON - How the codex was found. A narrative of two visits to Sinai - 1893 - EO EUR 80.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : livres-anciens-modernes-paris(3426, 100.0%) |
 | KIPPIS. A Narrative of the Voyages Round the World Performed by James Cook 1820 EUR 150.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : librairiedestuileries(502, 100.0%) |  | M'CLINTOCK : Narrative of the discovery of Sir John FRANKLIN, 1860. Nord CANADA EUR 100.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : loudnessfr(5366, 100.0%) |
 | Alain JACQUET Belle gravure SIGN. NUM. 31/100 Figuration narrative EUR 150.0 Category : Estampes, gravures Seller : l*avant*monde(3114, 100.0%) |  | ELLIS , An authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook , 1783 EUR 270.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : docteur_ramirez(750, 100.0%) |
 | Lamberto LENZI (1936) HsT 60x73cm 1982 Figuration narrative Cubisme Italie EUR 995.0 Category : Peintures Seller : www.galerie-d.art(2387, 100.0%) |  | Jules VERNE / In Search of the Castaways Romantic Narrative of the Loss 1st 1873 EUR 890.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : livresancienspsw(959, 100.0%) |
 | The Oxford Book of Narrative Verse (Oxford paperbacks), , Used; Good Book EUR 6.09 Category : Fiction Seller : thecotswoldlibrary(753889, 99.4%) |  | Narrative: A Critical Linguistic Introduction (Interface), Toolan, Michael J & T EUR 7.01 Category : Fiction Seller : thecotswoldlibrary(754490, 99.4%) |
![[FIGURATION NARRATIVE] HEGYI (Lòrànd) - Errò / [Catalogue raisonné].](https://i.ebayimg.com/thumbs/images/g/Y4cAAOSwRyFkT61Y/s-l140.jpg) | [FIGURATION NARRATIVE] HEGYI (Lòrànd) - Errò / [Catalogue raisonné]. EUR 42.25 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : desesseintes534(9803, 99.2%) |  | GUYOMARD Gérard Affiche originale 2017 Figuration narrative Kiss Rock Le Touquet EUR 16.0 Category : Affiches, posters Seller : poloart10(3882, 100.0%) |
 | Narrative of the US exploring expédition Charles Wilkes 1845 EUR 120.0 Category : Livres Seller : erudirose(111, 100.0%) |  | Jacques Monory sérigraphie figuration narrative large 118 x 96 cm rare pop art EUR 350.0 Category : Estampes, gravures Seller : clicgraphic(1141, 100.0%) |
 | FRANKLIN, Narrative of a journey to the shores of the polar sea, 1823 EUR 1100.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : docteur_ramirez(750, 100.0%) |  | Tableau de Gérard SCHLOSSER, Figuration narrative.(Klasen Combas Di rosa ) EUR 20000.0 Category : Peintures Seller : aknin1941(133, 100.0%) |
 | Narratives of Crisis - Crisis of Narrative EUR 11.98 Category : Autres Seller : buchpark(74764, 98.2%) |  | MONORY/P.TILMAN/ED F.LOEB/1992/FIGURATION NARRATIVE/ETAT NEUF! EUR 65.0 Category : Livres anciens, de collection Seller : pulske(12052, 99.8%) |