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Paleostress Inversion Techniques: Methods and Applications for Tectonics NEUFPaleostress Inversion Techniques: Methods and Applications for Tectonics NEUF
EUR 120.0
Category : Non-fiction
Seller : loveourprices2(108095, 95.8%)
Structural and Paleostress Analysis of the Afikpo Syncline, Ikenna OkonkwoStructural and Paleostress Analysis of the Afikpo Syncline, Ikenna Okonkwo
EUR 33.9
Category : Autres
Seller : buchpark(69587, 98.2%)
Structural and Paleostress Analysis of the Afikpo Syncline, Ikenna OkonkwoStructural and Paleostress Analysis of the Afikpo Syncline, Ikenna Okonkwo
EUR 33.9
Category : Autres
Seller : buchpark(69587, 98.2%)