| Prioninae Ancistrotus uncinatus Female A1 55mm (BRAZIL) ONLY ONE EUR 180.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2520, 100.0%) | | Prioninae Prionocalus cacicus 3 Male A1 67, 64 and 60mm (PERU) EUR 20.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2507, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Omotagus lacordairei Female A1 63mm (WEST PAPUA) EUR 55.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) | | Prioninae Mesoprionus lefebvrei Pair A1 Male 40mm (ISRAEL) EUR 40.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Psalidognathus antonkozlovi 4 Male A1 72, 63, 60 and 54mm (PERU) EUR 38.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2511, 100.0%) | | Prioninae PRIONOTOMA gestroi F A1 28 mm EUR 28.0 Category : Microscopes, laboratoire Seller : rosalia_alpina(87, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae Xaurus bennigseni Female A1 79mm (WEST PAPUA) EUR 55.0 Category : Autres Seller : dynastids(2518, 100.0%) | | Prioninae STOLIDODERE dequaoi M A1 (-) 14 mm EUR 24.0 Category : Microscopes, laboratoire Seller : rosalia_alpina(86, 100.0%) |
| Prioninae MACROTOMA gracilipes HUGE M A1 69 mm EUR 18.0 Category : Microscopes, laboratoire Seller : rosalia_alpina(87, 100.0%) | | Ialyssus tuberculatus (Prioninae, Macrotomini) EUR 25.0 Category : Autres Seller : chirikawas(417, 97.7%) |
| Prioninae TITHOES confinis HUGE M A1 85 mm EUR 44.0 Category : Microscopes, laboratoire Seller : rosalia_alpina(87, 100.0%) | | Prioninae RHOPHIPODUS sp. A2 38 mm EUR 8.0 Category : Microscopes, laboratoire Seller : rosalia_alpina(87, 100.0%) |
| Entomologie Insecte Prione Prioninae Coléoptère - Gravure Aquarelle originale X EUR 12.0 Category : Estampes, gravures, lithos Seller : ze-gallery(1738, 99.7%) | | Apterocaulus Heterogama MALE - PRIONINAE - ARGENTINE - EUR 20.0 Category : Autres Seller : banatigemontre292(150, 100.0%) |
| Larvae Of The Prioninae: (contributions Toward A Classification And Biology Of EUR 31.71 Category : Non-fiction Seller : loveourprices2(103171, 96.2%) | | Larvae of the Prioninae (1918), Frank Cooper Craighead EUR 46.6 Category : Autres Seller : buchpark(66655, 98.1%) |