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Luca Massaron Alexia Audevart Konrad B Machine Learning Using TensorFlo (Poche)Luca Massaron Alexia Audevart Konrad B Machine Learning Using TensorFlo (Poche)
EUR 52.74
Category : Fiction
Seller : rarewaves-europe(221460, 98.1%)
Francois Chollet Amita Kapoor Sujit Pal An Deep Learning with TensorFlo (Poche)Francois Chollet Amita Kapoor Sujit Pal An Deep Learning with TensorFlo (Poche)
EUR 81.24
Category : Fiction
Seller : rarewaves-united(392140, 98.8%)
Francois Chollet Amita Kapoor Sujit Pal An Deep Learning with TensorFlo (Poche)Francois Chollet Amita Kapoor Sujit Pal An Deep Learning with TensorFlo (Poche)
EUR 75.94
Category : Fiction
Seller : rarewaves-europe(221460, 98.1%)
Machine Learning mit Python und Scikit-Learn und TensorFlo... | Livre | état bonMachine Learning mit Python und Scikit-Learn und TensorFlo... | Livre | état bon
EUR 17.8
Category : Fiction
Seller : momox(475475, 97.8%)